Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Most Effective Fat-Burning Foods

In your quest to lose weight, there are a variety of foods that are not only healthy and nutritious, but help your body lose weight naturally and increase your body’s rate of fat loss. Incorporating some or all of these foods into your daily diet can speed up weight loss, build a healthier body, and put you on the road to a healthier lifestyle.

*Apples and berries contain pectin. Pectin restricts the amount of fat the cells can absorb and forces the cells to discharge fatty deposits.

*Citrus fruits contain high concentrations of Vitamin C. Vitamin C burns fat by liquefying it. This makes it easier for the body to flush fat from the system.

*Calcium in dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt plays an important role in weight loss by accelerating the fat breakdown in fat cells.

*Broccoli and Cabbage both contain very high quantities of calcium and Vitamin C and are full of fiber!

*Eggs are high in protein and essential in burning fat. If you are concerned about cholesterol, you can eat the white part as that is the most nutritious part of the egg.

*Garlic or garlic oil helps reduce fatty deposits in your body’s cells.

*Green Tea boosts metabolism and may aid in weight loss. It also contains anti-cancer properties and help prevent heart disease.

*Hot Peppers can speed up your metabolism. This causes you to burn more calories.

*Lean Turkey fires up the body’s fat-burning abilities by boosting metabolism and building lean muscle tissue that, in turn, burns more calories.

*Oatmeal and Whole Grains are great sources of fat-absorbing fiber that keeps the body full by providing it with energy. They also rev up the metabolism, necessary for burning fat and calories.

*Olive Oil keeps your cholesterol down and burns fat.

*Soup is a terrific appetite suppressant. Burn fat faster by having a bowl of soup as an appetizer or a snack.

*Soybeans contain lecithin, a chemical that protects your cells from accumulating fat. It also breaks down fatty deposits in your body.

Don’t forget the first rule of a good and healthy diet is to drink water, lots of water! Water flushes out the system and eliminates harmful toxins. It enables the body to run more efficiently, speeds up metabolism, and makes it easier to lose weight and burn fat. Your body is made up of 70% water and needs a lot of water each day to perform its necessary functions.

By: Chris Chenoweth,

Friday, April 27, 2007

Dieting and Nutrition

For the purpose of getting a perfect body shape, dieting is becoming a common phenomenon for most of the fatty people in the world. Dieting is basically the reducing of the daily diet so that body will have to use the stored calories and the fat in the body will come to decrease. It may be found that dieting is becoming a very popular process, but there are the other needs of the body which should not be ignored other wise dieting may cause some very harmful things. If the body stops getting food from outside, it starts to use the internal fat, but vitamins, minerals and other nutrition elements are not stored in the body so there is a regular need of the body for such elements.
Dieting needs to be a completely careful procedure as there are needed the foods, which makes the body strong enough to bear the load of dieting. In dieting, it is never suggested to stop the food, but to reduce the total amount of the calories you take every day. For it, main target is to keep the food very low calorie and the supplements should be given to the body in regular types, as there are fruits and vegetables, which have very low amount of the calorie but are rich in nutrition products.

Dieting is basically the concept to balance the diet but it is assumed to have the meaning of no food or the low food concept. Balancing the diet needs to have proper orientation of the all requirements of the body, whether there is the common body needs or the individual ones. There have been some cases when dieting has caused many problems to the people, in case they start dieting without the knowledge and suggestion. Every body is a different one so it needs to have some of the proper supplements, which are the individual, needs. In case you have some disease or the nutrition problem you have to be aware before starting the dieting that you must have the suggestion of the nutrition or the doctor, as there are the dieting balance charts, which can help for a person to make his own balance in diet and get better results. Most of the time dieting has the reason of the lowering the fat so the carbohydrate and starch should be lowered but others things, which do not contain much of the calories, should not be avoided and be taken in enough.
Balance charts make one aware of the food that is being taken, and the results are pre-oriented for the targets. Balance charts also give the right choice for the food what should be taken or not. Dieting is the good step when the incoming of the food is harming the body but it should be carefully managed or it may be harmful for the body.

by: T

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Quick Weight Loss(Treadmill Workouts Offer An Effective Remmedy)

If you are the one afflicted with obesity or who carry a weight that is not suited to your height and built, you must resort to lose your weight. If you don't do so you may fall prey to various severe complications. Most of the Americans are badly struck by this menace of excess weight that has resulted in high incidences of cardiovascular complications across the United States. The reason behind this high incidence of cardiac complication is your negligence towards your increased weight.

Most people do not realize the urgency of losing weight. It is thus essential to find a way that is handy as well as quick for your weight loss. One very healthy alternative is working out on a treadmill....

No other equipment could be as better as treadmill in offering you quick weight loss with little or probably no side effect. Motorized treadmills with their preprogrammed workouts for weight loss offer you an effective remedy to your obesity.

People of all age groups can easily perform workout on treadmills to shed their weight. Treadmills through display panels enable you to know details of losing weight. By constantly keeping track of shedding you can do workout as per your requirement.

Treadmill particularly proves beneficial for cardiac and high cholesterol patients and helps them reduce their weight without affecting their vulnerable physiological condition. Specialized cardiac treadmills come with preprogrammed cardiac exercises that are of great assistance to cardiac patients in lowering their weight and in turn helps keep their cholesterol under control.

Losing weight through treadmills can definitely be enjoyable experience as lots of customized options are available on treadmills these days. For example you can listen to music or watch your favorite album while doing weight loss workout on it.

Treadmill saves you from monotony of jogging or walking exercise and is far better equipped to help you in your quest to shed weight. Treadmills with varying incline and speed breaks monotony of workout session.

Treadmill comes in a wide variety. You may buy a treadmill seeing your weight loss need. If you don't have an increased weight loss and a little extra fat is there on you, you may choose a walking treadmill as you don't need too much of exercise. However if you are obese and your weight has become a hindrance in your normal activities you should opt for a running treadmill as you are needed to perform rigorous exercises.

by: javier

Exercising For a Healthy You

Exercise is often a four letter word with many Americans. However, as our community waist lines expand, a healthy lifestyle has never been more important! Obesity is a deadly disease that is affecting millions of individuals all over the world. Targeting all individuals of all ages, genders, races, ethic groups, and backgrounds, obesity causes problems ranging from diabetes, heart disease, and liver failure. Ensuring your are living a healthy lifestyle, eating a well balanced meal, and regularly exercising will combat this obesity epidemic.

The unpleasant connotations of exercise come from the image of overactive aerobics teachers in skimpy skintight outfits making people work out constantly. What happens is that excessive exercise leads to frustration and exhaustion and the enthusiasm to reduce weight dies down. They go back to their sedimentary lifestyle. This is the wrong way to go about it. Instead, if you do regular exercise for fifteen minutes over a period of time instead of all at once, you will be healthier than those who work out for an hour a week...

The easiest way to exercise is to include a friend or family member. Working out in numbers allows you to draw strength and motivation from your partner, in addition to performing tasks that require another individual. If you cannot find a work out partner, look to joining an exercise group. Many gyms, fitness centers, and community groups provide exercise lessons for no or a minimal charge. This is a great way to meet friends and regain your healthy lifestyle.

Set a reachable goal when it comes to exercising. Perhaps your goal is exercising a given amount of time each week. Maybe you are striving to run a mile without stopping or increase your stamina level on the stationery bike. Whatever your goal, be sure to set on that is well within your reach.

It's a good idea to set a long term and short term goal. If your long term goal is to live a healthier life, you may consider playing a game of soccer with your children, without becoming breathless, your short term goal. This way you can go on making more short term goals as you inch towards a healthy, fit lifestyle.

You can exercise at home if you can't afford to join a gym. However, you will have to buy a few basic things like weights and mats. You may want to invest in a tread mill or chair climber to build your own gym. This way you won't have to travel anywhere and you can do the work outs at your own convenience.

When the weather permits, move your exercising outdoors. For beginners, take a stroll around the block. If you are more ambitious, turn that stroll into a quick jog. Use opportunities to play with your children as time for exercise. Play a game of baseball, basketball, football, soccer, or plain old tag with your kids.

The greatest advantage of joining a gym is being able to use various types of equipment available there. Moreover, once you have made a financial commitment you get enough motivation to work out regularly.

By: Hank Lunton